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Project by 


 POR FESR, "Business makes culture" 2019  won with the project:

Integrated Cultural Analysis Neural Platform "ICANP"





University project 2020-2023 Uninettuno University, chair of Cognitive Ergonomics e  Human Factor:

Principles of Cognitive Ergonomics at the basis of commercial success in the interaction between man and Artificial Intelligence algorithm.

Title of the Research Project:

Principles of Cognitive Ergonomics at the basis of commercial success in the interaction between man and Artificial Intelligence algorithm.

Disciplinary area to which the project refers

Cognitive Ergonomics and Human Factor

Sector: M-PSI / 06

Description of the project

The project of the study of the principles of Cognitive Ergonomics connected with the developments of Neural simulation technology and related commercial applications, aims to monitor the technological-commercial evolution of Artificial Intelligence algorithms and analyze them according to the scientific categories of Ergonomics Cognitive.

The project, through the analysis of real cases of commercial success, aims to identify the principles of Cognitive Ergonomics involved in the technological process and which have determined its commercial success.

Having identified the cognitive principles underlying the commercial success of the interaction of the Artificial Intelligence algorithm with the human user, the project also aims to identify new possible applications and therefore stimulate research and development in the sector.

The project is open to the collaboration of university researchers and students who may feel involved for interdisciplinary reasons.

Furthermore, the project will be open to the collaboration of Italian and international companies that will consider the project useful and interesting for their own internal research and development.

State of the art

Even if the commercial development of neural simulation software is relatively recent, there is still a substantial case of studies and patents that express the importance of the application of the principles of Cognitive Ergonomics within the more general development of Artificial Intelligence technology.

The state of the art of the interaction between the human operator and the Artificial Intelligence algorithm has the applications with the greatest commercial impact in web development. The large international players in the sector such as Google, Amazon, Facebook, etc., have invested considerable economic energy to create totally automatic interactions and intelligent enough to be perceived as a human-human interaction.

Robotic applications are less conspicuous but equally rapidly developing, think for example of biomedical robotics and the complex interaction that the instrument must have with the doctor.

This opens up a new technological frontier with far-reaching psychosocial implications.

Expected results and application effects

  • A greater understanding of the cognitive processes underlying the commercial success of Artificial Intelligence algorithms is expected from the project. Furthermore, a substantial scientific publication of the specific “case studies” is expected as a result of the project.

  • The project will try, if possible, to identify public and private funding to better organize and finance the study group.

  • The project will be proposed directly to the CONNECTOME Business Network, specialized in Artificial Intelligence, of which Neural Reseach srl is the agent company. CONNECTOME will strive to identify regional and European funding.

Abstract of the project

The development of software simulation of Artificial Neural Networks is increasingly creating the need to develop new ways of human interaction with Artificial Intelligence algorithms and vice versa. In this new technological scenario, Cognitive Ergonomics is called upon to reflect on the developments of Human-Computer Interaction by identifying and applying those cognitive principles involved in the transfer of information between humans and Artificial Intelligence algorithm.

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